Check out my latest animation, a PSA done for the Jamaica Environment Trust, titled "Nuh Dutty Up Jamaica. This was done in 4 weeks, using illustrations provided by Michelle Keane and Anime Studio Pro 9 for the animation software. I am big on the environment, so it was a pleasure for me to do this, even though I was tied down with work and I caught a bad flu that was going around I got through it. In my opinion it is a very important campaign. There is a lot of work to be done to clean up our environment. Studies show that plastics could be getting into our food chain and this has serious health risks associated with it. Take a look at the statistics from the International Clean Up Campaign in 2014 in the gallery below and check out these images to get a picture of what i am talking about.
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I had the distinct pleasure of meeting actress Cassandra Freeman, from Inside Man, Kinyarwanda and the Single Ladies series. She is in Jamaica conducting an acting workshop for the finalists of the Jamaica Film Festival project. Jampro had a launch for the event on Sunday and Cassandra was the main guest. She was very personable and energetic and gave each and everyone that came up to her, quality time to talk about anything they wanted to and she gave her impression of Jamaica as a film making hub. She definitely thinks the country has potential and wants to see more productions coming out of Jamaica by Jamaicans as she is a true believer that people must tell their own stories. Attending the workshop was a blessing and eye opener, as I learned some great acting techniques and philosophies that will definitely translate into my next film making project. Cassandra is not only an actress, but she teaches the craft as well, so her lessons were very strong and she was able to get the most of out of you in a short space of time, young or old. Her lessons were very revealing in detecting what is wrong with someone's acting. It's a pity she was only here for a few days, but I am grateful we even got her any at all. I only hope this means bigger and better things for the future of the local film industry and it's impact on the world. A few months ago a fellow named Jo Spalburg contacted me on facebook looking for Caribbean films to enter into Sankofa UK television film festival. I pointed him to a short film produced by my business partner Robin Chin and I, (Heart Shaped Box) and a documentary done by David Johnson (Just Action). Unfortunately I was unable to attend, but I heard it was well received. A month later, I get a call from Jo and he is heading to Jamaica for one day and wants to meet up. I met up with him after work yesterday and had a great conversation about a distribution company, Media Partners International ltd. of which he is the Managing Director and his other distribution company, Caribbean Media Partners. Where MPI handles distributing European content to Jamaica, CMP is the reverse. They distribute and market Caribbean content to Europe and North America for filmmakers looking to break into those markets and they facilitate the sharing of content, including news, TV series and documentaries across the region in all Caribbean languages. English, Spanish, French, Dutch and Portuguese. Needless to say this was all very interesting and we are already plotting ways to get into various markets as the local distribution sector is completely backward. He was taken aback when I told him we as filmmakers have to pay to put our content on TV here. It was a fact that took a while to sink in. Through CMP he has a VOD platform called It is just starting out but they already have deals with Caribvision, Hype TV, RETV, JNN, Tempo and many more popular Caribbean stations. Early days yet, but I am looking to see where this goes and what it will mean for strengthening the exposure of Caribbean content. |
AuthorI am a Filmmaker, Animator and Writer. I love telling stories and making them come true. You will see me on the big screen soon enough. Archives
November 2019
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